The Native American: Book of the Dead

Fritz Zimmerman


The Native Americans believed that the soul never dies, and death was a transition from this world to the next. Preparation for this journey was diverse across the vast geographical expanse of North America. Burials could be above ground on a scaffold or tree, cremation, mummification, sometimes the bones were saved, and a mass burial was conducted, caves and fissures in rocks were used to inter the dead. Some buried the owner's horses and dogs with the body. Human sacrifice was practiced, slaying the wives or slaves and placing them within the graves. Some tribes left the remains to elements to be eaten by wild animals. In contrast, lavish burial mounds were constructed over the dead. Ghosts of the dead were feared, and in some cases, the corpse was immediately buried, and their house burned that the spirit may not return. The mourning rituals were just as diverse. Many tribes mourned the dead for extended periods that included cutting their hair and gashing their bodies with wounds or even cutting off their fingers to show their grief. Somber crying and wailing could be heard for days in the villages. Eighty-three different tribes' burial rituals are described in detail from first-hand accounts. This is your arcane journey into the spirit world of the Native Americans of North America. Plains Sioux Indians history, religion, Assinboine Indian history, religion, Sisseton Indian hisory, religion, YanktonI Indian history, Assinboine Indian history, religion, Teton Sioux, history, religion Brule'eton Sioux history, religion, Kansa Indian history, religion, Sioux Indian history, religion, Missouri Indian history, religion, Omaha Indian history, religion, Osage Indian history, religion, Ponca Indian history, religion, Oto Indian history, religion, Mandan Indian history, religion, Mdewakanton Indian history, religion, Hidasta Indian history, religion, Quapaw Indian history, religion, Crow Indian history, Monacan Indian history, religion, Santee, Indians history, religion, Biloxi Indians history, religion, Pascagoula Indians history, religion, Montagnais Indians history, religion, Micmac Indians, history, religion, and Malecite Indians, Wampanoag Indian history, religion, Narraganset Indians history, religion, Manhattan Island Indians history, Delaware Indian history, religion, death rituals Nanticoke Indian history, religion, Powhatan Indians history, religion, Werowance Indians, history, religion, Miami, Indian, history, religion, Pottawatomie Indian history, religion, Ojibwa Indian history, religion, Iroquois Indians history, religion, Oneida Indian history, religion, Seneca Indian history, religion, , Huron Indian history, religion, Seneca Indian history, religion, , Mohawk Indian history, religion, Wyandot Indian history, religion, Huron Indian history, religion, Cree Indian history, religion, Cherokee Indian history, religion, , Timucuan Tribes history, religion, Muskhogean Tribe Indians, history religion, Seminole Indians history, religion,, Choctaw Indians history, religion, Natchez Indians history, religion, Chickasaw Indians history, religion, Creek Indians history, religion, Caddoan Indians history, religion, Arikara Indians history, religion, Pawnee Indians history, religion, Crow Indians history, religion, Southwest Indians, history, religion, Navajo Indians history, religion, , Apache Indians history, religion, Pima Indians history, religion, Kiowa Indians history, religion, Wichita Indians history, religion, Caddo Indians history, religion,, Hopi Indians history religion, Pueblo Indians history, religion, Moquis (Pueblo), Commanche Indians history, religion, Shoshone Indians history, religion, Ute Indians history, religion, , Goshute Indians history, religion, Blackfoot Indians history, religion, Yakima Indians, Pacific Northwest, Achomawi, Karuk, Shanel, Yuki, Tolowa, Yokayo, Round Valley, Yurok, Klamath, Tolkotins, Skokomish, Chinook, Alaska, Aleut, Gwich'in, Innuit, Eskimo, Haida