Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: A Heartbreaking Story of Harriet Jacobs in Escape for Civil Rights and...

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Harriet Jacobs


What Is Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl All About ? Harriet Jacobs AKA Linda Brent was born into slavery in 1813 near Edenton, North Carolina.She enjoyed a relatively happy family life until she was six years old, when her mother passed away. Jacobs's mistress, Margaret Horniblow, took her in and cared for her, teaching her to read, write, and sew. When Horniblow died, she willed the twelve-year-old Jacobs to her niece, and Jacobs's life soon took a dramatic turn for the worse. What happen that leads Harriet Jacobs to run away and soon became permanently physically disabled ? Read the whole heartbreaking story in this Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl written by herself. About The Author- Harriet Jacobs Harriet Jacobs (February 11, 1813 - March 7, 1897) was an African-American writer who escaped from slavery and was later freed. She became an abolitionist and reformer. Jacobs wrote an autobiography, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, published in 1861 under the pseudonym Linda Brent. The book was published in 1861 but overshadowed due to the civil war. Some readers considered as a fictional novel as Jacobs did not use her original name. Some thought the author of the book either Lydia Maria Child or the abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe. Only when Jean Fagan Yellin ( American historian specializes in woman history & African American history ) discovered historical documents that proves that Harriet Jacobs was the true author of Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl.

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