The Case Against Lizzie Borden

William Spencer


It certainly can be argued that the brutal killings of Andrew and Abby Borden in Fall River, Massachusetts, on August 4, 1892, was the first nationally reported murder case in the United States, other than presidential assassinations. The focus in The Case Against Lizzie Borden is on the murders and the victims. Lizzie Borden is an integral part of the book, but only as to her possible involvement in the crimes. The book was not undertaken with the notion to prove or disprove Lizzie's guilt, but rather to see where the facts might lead us.This book is based on witness statements and the sworn testimonies at the inquest, preliminary hearing, and trial. Censuses, birth, marriage and death records, and similar sources are also employed. We look at Fall River itself and how it played a role in the murders and how the ethos of the times affected the subsequent investigation, arrest, and trial. We delve into the lives of the victims, as well as those around them or who had connection to the case. The events of the case are presented in chronological order according to the statements of those involved. We see the natural progression of the case against Lizzie Borden and the drama that began on the day of the murders and only intensified over the subsequent ten months through the end of the trial. The Borden murders will never be solved conclusively. But herein the reader will have the information to be able to make his or her own determinations.