Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World an Identification Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Master Psychedelic Mushrooms Cultivation and Know How to...

Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World an Identification Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Master Psychedelic Mushrooms Cultivation and Know How to...
David Robert Pond Bowl


★ Buy the Paperback Version and Get the Kindle Version for Free ★ If you want to start learning how to identify wild mushrooms, learn the difference between the edible mushrooms and their poisonous twins, how to start growing mushrooms, or how to identify magic mushrooms... Read on... Do you want to be able to go for a hike and know that the mushrooms you are bringing home are not going to harm you, make you sick, or worse... kill you? This book is going to show you: The most common mushroom types that you can forage for, How to hunt mushrooms, Where to find them, How to ensure that you are picking the right mushrooms Wild mushrooms are some of the best-tasting mushrooms out there. They are widely sought after, but many people are not willing to pay the high prices that retailers ask if they can even find them in the store. Luckily for you, the forest floor is filled with these delicious little morsels and they are yours for the taking. Have you ever noticed how passionate people are when they talk about eating wild mushrooms? Maybe you have been curious about how they taste but have not had the courage to try them. Maybe you have heard that wild mushrooms will kill you and you fear to pick the wrong ones. While there are some poisonous mushrooms, there are some delicious ones that you can find in the wild as well. Some that will forever change the way that you think about mushrooms. In this book, you are going to learn more than just how to identify mushrooms in the wild. You are going to learn what mushrooms to avoid, how to prepare mushrooms, how mushrooms can actually heal your body and so much more... Even if you have never identified a mushroom before, if you have never been into the woods to look for them, you are going to be able to identify them with confidence when you are done reading this book. This book is the perfect place to start for anyone who has been interested in learning about mushrooms. It is more than just a book about learning how to identify mushrooms, but it is a book filled with information about mushrooms. From growing tips to using them for micro-dosing, curing diseases, to foraging for food in the wilderness. This book is going to walk you through each of these and so much more. It is my hope that by the time that you finish reading this book, you are going to be able to know how to ensure that a mushroom is safe when a mushroom is poisonous, how to store mushrooms, how to clean each type of mushroom properly, as well as how to prepare them. People tend to be afraid of the things that they don't understand. There is no reason for you to be afraid of wild mushrooms any longer. This book is going to allow you to identify the mushrooms that you want to find and it is going to tell you exactly where you can find them as well as the time of year that you need to start looking for them. This book is packed full of information that is going to help you ensure that the mushrooms you gather are the right ones.