The Confident Child: 12 Steps To Boost Your Child's Confidence And Self-Esteem

The Confident Child: 12 Steps To Boost Your Child's Confidence And Self-Esteem
Independently Published
Jessica Palmer


Is your child dealing with self-doubt, low self-esteem, or social anxiety? Are they beaten down by the slightest failure? Do they give up easily? Our confidence is what gets us through life. It's our helmets, our lifejackets, our seatbelts, our mouthguards. Seeing your child battle with low self-esteem and self-doubt is not easy, and your first inclination might be to lock them in a bubble and shield them from the harsh realities of life. But taking that approach will undoubtedly do them more harm than good. In this remarkable guide, The Confident Child, Jessica Palmer, mother of four, will take you through a step-by-step process of building your child's confidence. With two collegians, two high-schoolers, and four different personalities, Palmer has had to practice unique methods for building confidence in each individual child. Armed with twenty-two years of experience and tried-and-true strategies, Palmer will teach you the right approach with practical, straightforward, applicable instructions that will have your child suited up in the armor of extreme confidence in no time. Some areas explored are: Improving your own confidence Resisting comparison Trying new things/Develop new skills Overcoming fear of failure Expressing their feelings Surrounding them with positive, confident people Treating mistakes as building blocks for learning Off the internet and into the real world Nip over-praising in the bud Confidence cannot be bought or given, it takes consistent practice and willful determination. The steps outlined in this book is all you need to start nurturing strong, assertive, self-assured little adults who will conquer every obstacle thrown their way and fail like a winner. Not only will their newfound confidence make navigating life much easier and rewarding for them, but it will boost your confidence as a parent. The Confident Child has everything you will ever need for building your child's confidence. Ready to do what it takes as a parent to save our children from a life of defeating misery? Let's get started...

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