To the dismayed and disappointed disciples making their way back home to Emmaus the Sunday afternoon following the crucifixion of Jesus, the resurrected Lord came alongside them and taught them all things concerning Himself from the scriptures beginning with Moses and the prophets. From scripture, He showed them how a crucified Messiah fulfilled all which had been written concerning His redemptive work as Immanuel (God with us). He opened their eyes to understand God’s salvation plan for fallen man and His role in completing that work. This daily devotional seeks to show how scripture reveals the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, and He stands at the crossroads between eternal life with God and eternal life separated from God. It is my sincerest prayer and desire that you will see His glory reflected in the scriptural texts for each day, the associated meditations of my heart, and be compelled to take up your cross and follow Him to victory and glory. “To my wife, Carol and sons: Thomas, Michael and Solomon. I would not have written this book were it not for you and our mutual loved ones.”
to understand the concept of covenant in Paul by adopting a methodology that examines the eight occurrences of the term “covenant” (diatheke).2 Second, Stanley E. Porter argues against this restrictive ap- proach lest we commit the ...
Stanley E. Porter; Leiden: Brill, 1997), 51–87; Malcolm Heath, “Invention,” in Handbook of Classical Rhetoric in the Hellenistic Period (330 B.C.–A.D. 400) (ed. Stanley E. Porter; Leiden: Brill, 1997), 89–119, esp. 103–18.
He said, “A thorn bush in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar tree there. It said, 'Give your daughter to be married to my son.' Then a wild animal in Lebanon came along. It walked all over the thorn bush. 10It's true that you have won ...
"La sabiduría, tal como se describe en el libro de Proverbios, se refiere a tomar decisiones en todo tipo de situaciones de la vida", escribe la autora Alice Mathews.
In The Canon Debate, edited by Lee Martin McDonald and James A. Sanders, pp. 252–263. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2002. ... “The Biblical Canon According to Lee McDonald: An Evaluation. ... Abraham, and David J. Wasserstein.
Never Underestimate a Girl 1 Samuel 20:13 LOYALTY Laodicea Langston—nicknamed “Dicey”—was the daughter of Solomon Langston, aSouth Carolina planter during the Revolutionary War. Among the widely scattered plantations, political opinions ...
On Lazarus and the Rich Man. --------. On Repentance and Almsgiving. --------. On Temperance and the Gospel of St. Matthew. --------. Tractate on the Acts of the Apostles. Chytraeus, David. Commentary on Genesis. Clarkson, David.
... 192, 288 Smith, Jonathan K., 139, 205, 218, 278 Smith, Mark S., 230, 269 Smith, W. Robertson, 176 Sommer, Benjamin D., xii, 25, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 258 Stager, Lawrence, 262,271 Staubli, Thomas, 205 Stevenson, Kalinda Rose, 6, ...
Features include: Read-Along References® and Read-Along Translations® Self-pronouncing text Words of Jesus in red Presentation page Giant print concordance Full-color maps Ribbon marker and gift box 6-page Full-color Family Record ...
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