When a door is bolted shut, it is locked to either keep someone else out or to keep someone in. It is a door that represents secrets, shame, guilt, lies, cover-ups, and devastation. The longer we don't face what is behind the door, the longer it owns us through fear and shame. Together, let's unbolt some old corroded doors in our lives and find the freedom on the other side. My book is perfect for anyone who has ever felt silenced by their shame, and ridden with guilt that was never theirs to carry. Beginnings and endings are the bookends to every life story. And the journey itself IS the chapters in between. We ALL have a story to tell. No one should ever carry the weight of a secret burden that crushes their soul and cripples their journey. No one should ever feel their story is not worth telling or not worth hearing. If you need some hope; if you need to be reminded of your worth and value; if you need YOUR story to also be heard, then this book is for you. I wrote it for me/ for you and for ALL of us that have ever felt shut out and shut down. There IS hope beyond the bolted doors in our lives.