This harvest of articles drawn from William Johnson Everett’s career of teaching and research on four continents and in a variety of institutions shows the breadth, depth, and diversity of his interests. Like spotlights in the wider field of Christian social ethics, they illuminate the key threads that have held together an emerging tapestry of thought woven around the powerful concept of covenant. Whether lifting up concepts of covenant, federalism, and corporation, the “oikos” of work, family, and faith, the public nature and mission of the church, or the ethical meaning of journey metaphors, his rich and artful style leads us into thinking more deeply about the way our lives are joined in a “covenantal imagination” about a more just and sustainable world.
A probing study of the cultural fragmentation-social, spatial, and racial-that took root in the Western mind, this book shows how Christianity has consistently forged Christian nations rather than encouraging genuine communion between ...
is the prism of the prophetic preaching of hope. Such voicing of hope is done in poetic idiom because the prophet must say what goes beyond all the evidence. Thus the prophet does not offer plans and blueprints of specificity.
Lost, alone, homesick - these are only a few words to describe Spikey Moonbeam and his ragtag group of Starananian time travelers.
Here, then, the Law recognizes that its aim—the covenantal love brought about through circumcision—may be resisted by the imagination—based love of the parent; out of love, the father may refuse to circumcise his child.
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 8 : 147 – 153 Moniz - Cook E , Woods RT , Richards K ( 2001 ) Functional analysis of challenging behaviour in dementia : the role of superstition . Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 16/1 : 45 - 56 Mozley CG , Huxley P ...
Every new technology comes with a price.
Here is a call to embrace this forgotten part of the mind as a gift from God designed to bolster faith, hope, and love in his people.
Law and Ethics The biblical traditions of laws, commandments, and instructions offer a complex and varied set of resources for reflecting on the ... Cambridge University Press, 2010; Sanders, E. P. Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People.
W. A. Meeks , The Origins of Christian Morality : The First Two Centuries ( New Haven : Yale University Press , 1993 ) 4. Meeks makes the important distinction between morality , " a set of value - laden dispositions , inclinations ...
Rosenberg, ed., Mikraoth Gedoloth, p. 411. The Tg.'s reading is similar to the interpretation of the Aggadah. See Cathcart and Gordon, Targum of Minor Prophets, pp. 234-35. 58. The question may either be from the protesters in response ...