Nauseous and sick all day and night?Feeling starving hungry but feel unable to eat or drink?Zero energy? Feeling miserable and desperate?I get it. The exhaustive cycle of nausea and vomiting makes enjoying your pregnancy impossible. But there is hope. You can put an end to your suffering and make changes that will restore your energy, resuscitate your appetite and make everyday life easier.In Morning Sickness -66 life-saving hacks to help you survive pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting, and reflux I share with you my arsenal of amazing morning sickness hacks - remedies and tips to help you navigate through this time with knowledge and confidence.How? I wrote the book I wished existed.I have talked to 100's of women, scoured the internet and delved into scientific research to collect the most popular ways to beat nausea, vomiting, acid reflux and exhaustion.The best pieces of advice, tips and remedies are here ready to help you!In this book you will learn-The breakthrough moment that inspired this book The surprising origin of the ridiculously inaccurate term "morning sickness" Three convincing explanations for morning sicknessWhy I separate vomiting, nausea, acid reflux, excess saliva, dizziness & tiredness in our hacks A hack that that will keep paying off for the rest of your life The vital role food plays in surviving all your morning sickness symptoms Why eating like a toddler will improve your nausea The unusual practice used by morgue workers that can stop vomiting in its tracks Which foods should be your go-to's to ease nausea, vomiting and acid reflux Bridie Bell Bridie is a mum of two and survivor of severe morning sickness. She enjoys writing about morning sickness, pregnancy, and toddler rearing. As a qualified Human Resources professional, Bridie works with organisations to improve their culture and performance. A lover of travel, margaritas, and quality time with her husband and family (including her hermit crabs!), Bridie admits to watching bad reality television and fancies herself as an armchair expert on true crime.