Large Print Edition! A prophecy. A discovery. A murder. Persuaded by her best friend to attend a local psychic fair, retired librarian Lilliana Wentworth doesn't really believe in fortunetelling. But her romance with a handsome and mysterious Scotsman has thrown her off-balance, disrupted her equilibrium, and she's looking for guidance wherever she can find it. When she overhears a tarot reader predict death to the young woman seated at a nearby table, she's not so sure consulting a psychic is a good idea. Certainly it wasn't for the woman the reading was meant for, who flees from the room in panic. As Lilliana attempts to comfort the distraught stranger, she feels a touch of premonition herself. She has no idea what her romantic future might be, but she's fairly certain she'll soon be solving another murder. Be sure to buy this intriguing mystery in the African Violet Club series.