Business Acumen: Being Effective Manager

Business Acumen: Being Effective Manager
Sudhir Kumar Aggarwal


Product DescriptionBUSINESS ACUMENWelcome to the Book Series of Being An Effective Manager. This is the FIFTH book of the series and is on the THEME of Business Acumen.Organasitions recruits brightest and the best suitable personnel to them. They invest in training, development and competence building. But not all managers/ leaders are seen as Effective. Managerial effectiveness cannot be attained without Self Development. Effectiveness is largely a function of Ability of the manager to convert day to day experiences in personal learnings and then applying those learnings to the job. But there are so many dimensions to personal development and each persons' needs are unique and keep changing with progression of career. Although concept based content exists online, but there is none that is rooted in experience and practice and is focused on Managing Self and Managing Others. Being Effective Manager Series is an effort to bridge that gap. The undertone of content vibrates through experiences and stimulates empowerment.This Book contains three Questionnaire each with a corresponding Article . Articles focus on knowledge and Skill and application at Workplace. There is a WORK BOOK to enhance your Skill of Business Acumen to allow you to practice Application of Skills of Acumen .This Work Book includes A Tool for building Understanding of Business Acumen. There are Six opportunities, in the nature of Case Study and you need to respond, keeping in view the Context of your Organisation(s) and You as Manager. There is a comprehensive bouquet of Thirteen Exercises based on unique situations that would give you idea how you apply your Skills of Business Acumen and by practice you can pick up these skills.Readers are encouraged -: To go through the blog https: // wherein most of the content is accessible free. They may connect with me on [email protected]. HAPPY LEARNINGSudhir Kumar Aggarwal.