Someday Is Today: Your Journey to Living a Life Filled with Passion and Purpose Starts TODAY!

James Andersen


It's Time to Discover Your True Self and Uncover Your Passions and Purpose. Are you looking to attain true inner happiness and peace? Are you searching for purpose? Are you struggling to find your passions and live the way you've always dreamed? Then this book may be for you. I don't know what path you need to take to find what you are looking for. I don't think anyone can answer these deeply personal questions for or determine what path will lead to the life you have been meant to live. Only you can discover this for yourself, IF you're willing to be honest and stay committed to the quest. Sometimes we have to find out who we are not before we can discover who we are. This book hopes to guide you to a point where you start to see that all personal growth, purpose and fulfillment comes from within and the adventure is as unique and essential as we are. You hold the key that unlocks the door to your true self, no one else does, except maybe God, but you still have to work with Him. You will not find true purpose and fulfillment "out there" and you don't have to travel to India and meditate with a spiritual guru, build wells in Africa or become a missionary to find the true meaning of life. Your journey may lead you to these places, but from my experience, if we cannot make an impact in the lives we encounter each and every day in our own homes, communities and places we visit then how do we think we are going to find it or make a difference in places around the world? This book is a story of some of my experiences, stories, reflections and tried and true methods that have been a part of my journey and have helped me discover my true passions and purpose. This book is a culmination of practices and perspectives that have guided me as I explored who I was, who I am and how my inner purpose was always inside me, I just needed to uncover it. This book is about taking this process seriously but not taking ourselves so serious and learning to enjoy the journey life throws at us. This book is practical but won't tell you all the answers. What it will do is help you ignite, relate and think about ways that will help you uncover your true self and your passions and purpose. So just to clarify who this book is for? This book is for the majority of us who can't necessarily drop everything at this moment and travel abroad or take a month off and experience people and other cultures to find what we are looking for. This book is for those that would like to live in peace and act with love as they navigate the magic, misery and mystery of everyday life. This book is for those who want to find beauty each and every day no matter where they are, what they are doing, who they are with or what life gives them. This book is for those whose circumstances seem irreversible or impossible to overcome. This book is for those that are trying to live the American dream only to find out that in seeking more their own more profound dreams they have had deep within themselves have been commandeered. This book is for those that want to discover that hiding from or escaping reality doesn't bring you happiness. This book is for those that want to be inspired and in awe of the present moment. This book is for those that have tried it their way only to find out their way isn't working any longer, or maybe it never really did. This book is for those who want to see the world differently and experience the life that they have always dreamed possible. This book is for those who want to enjoy the gift of life they have now, not someday. This book is for YOU! All I have are my experiences and all you have are yours. We all need to carry the message of our journeys and experiences to help each other find our true selves, discover our passions and ultimately share our purpose with the world. Start where you are at right now...its not easy but it is simple, if we take action. Someday is Today!

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