The new economy will begin in 2021 with that change you will see a new currency. All Nations will have their own stable coin pegged to their dollar. Instead of using the world reserve currency the United States dollar. And that will forever change the global economy. Bitcoin will be pegged to gold the digital gold. Finances are not taught in the United States school system for a reason. The economy is going digital and you want to educate yourself to benefit. The days of consuming in the United States is coming to an end and moving over to China. You will see more education on saving money being taught in the United States. Due to the paradigm shift of economies China and the United States will flip flop. There is a little over 350 million people in the United States and billions in China. Imagine the Chinese consumer buying like an American that would mean trillions of dollars spent. The Asian economies are emerging and are about to take over the global economy. Get ready for the greatest experiment ever attempted in over 400 years.