"Delight family and friends with dozens of delicious cookies! From simple drop cookies and bars to super sandwich cookies and sophisticated cut-outs, The Cookie Bible contains nearly 70 fantastic recipes. Whether soft and chewy or crispy and crunchy, these cookies will make everyone smile!" -- Back cover.
Faites un pas de géant vers la créativité. Les créateurs de "Bonjour, cupcake !" sont de retour, avec de toutes nouvelles recettes géniales, simples et hilarantes pour le plaisir. Exemple...
Keep Running Gingerbread Man is one title from the Fairytales Gone Wrong series. This series is a welcome addition for parents looking for picture books with a message.
Ben shu shou lu le tang shuang bing gan zhi zuo de ji chu ji qiao yi ji C.bonbon li nian she ji de 10 da zhu ti de tang shuang bing gan zhi zuo fang fa.
Read the book and dream of a magical garden, or go for it and grow your own"--Page 2 of cover.
Presents recipes for brownies, bar cookies, holiday treats, and many other types of cookies, all from the kitchens of America's best known food companies
Cookies (ms) Us Ws
From the creative force behind those famous cookies, 100 kitchen-tested recipes -- from elegant tea cookies to fun cookies for baking with kids.
In Martha Stewart s Cookies, you will find 175 recipes and variations that showcase all kinds of flavours and fancies.
More than 70 creative recipes for chocolate packed cookies, fruity bars and silly sandwich cookies.
Happy Valentine's Day, Dragon!