Grunt is everywhere. JavaScript projects from jQuery to Twitter Bootstrap use Grunt to convert code, run tests, and produce distributions for production. It's a build tool in the spirit of Make and Rake, but written with modern apps in mind. This book gets you up to speed with Grunt using practical hands-on examples, so you can wrangle your projects with ease. You'll learn how to create and maintain tasks and project builds, and automate your workflow with plugins and custom tasks. JavaScript has moved from being the language you love to hate to the language you need to use. And as JavaScript applications get more complex, you need a process to manage that complexity. While online tutorials just explain how to slap together a configuration file, this book goes further and shows you how to create your own tasks, design your own project templates, combine plugins together to bring a web app to life, and build your own plugins. You'll start by learning the basics of task creation, error handling, and logging as you create a simple configuration that executes basic JavaScript code using Node.js. Then you'll jump right into file manipulation as you read, write, copy, and delete files. You'll learn how Grunt's powerful multitasks work as you build a task to concatenate files together. Once you've got a grasp on these basics, you'll build a simple app with AngularJS and CoffeeScript, using Grunt to do all the heavy lifting and script processing. Finally, you'll create your own plugin so you can understand how plugins work. Each chapter contains hands-on exercises and ideas for further study. Whether you rock Ruby or sling C#, Grunt will be a useful addition to your toolbox. What You Need: This book covers Grunt 0.4.1 and higher, and requires basic knowledge of JavaScript and command-line tools on Windows, OS X, or Linux.
It's a build tool in the spirit of Make and Rake, but written with modern apps in mind. This book gets you up to speed with Grunt using practical hands-on examples, so you can wrangle your projects with ease.
Monitor and automate complex JavaScript tasks and processes by obtaining a practical understanding of Grunt About This Book Gain a solid knowledge of Grunt to achieve better process management by improving consistency, productivity, ...
If you are a JavaScript developer who is looking to streamline their workflow with build-automation, then this book will give you a kick start in fully understanding the importance of the described web technologies and automate their ...
Pro Grunt.js gets you quickly up-to-speed with this popular JavaScript-based task runner. Author James Cryer takes you from initial installation all the way through to authoring successful plugins.
That means that all we have to do to kick things off is: $ grunt Grunt is an enormously flexible tool. If we were preparing our project ... For more information on Grunt, check out Automate with Grunt [Hog14] from The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
automating QA testing with, Automating with Grunt compiling LESS to generate CSS, Static Resources in CSS gruntlintpattern module, QA Gruntfile.js, configure plugins section, Automating with Grunt Gruntfile.js, load plugins section, ...
This book is for JavaScript developers who want to get to grips with GruntJS and use it to build and test their JavaScript applications. The only requirement for this book is a basic understanding of objects and functions in JavaScript.
If you want to build your organization’s next web application with HTML5, this practical book will help you sort through the various frameworks, libraries, and development options that populate this stack.
Grunt and Gulp are tools for building web applications, designed to automate repetitive processes su as concatenating (gluing) files, compressing images, style sheets, and JavaScript files.
This is because no one expected JavaScript to be a full-stack programming language, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't dedicate special attention to organizing your project. Since the MEAN stack can be used to build all sorts of ...