Your customers want rock-solid, bug-free software that does exactly what they expect it to do. Yet they can't always articulate their ideas clearly enough for you to turn them into code. You need Cucumber: a testing, communication, and requirements tool-all rolled into one. All the code in this book is updated for Cucumber 2.4, Rails 5, and RSpec 3.5. Express your customers' wild ideas as a set of clear, executable specifications that everyone on the team can read. Feed those examples into Cucumber and let it guide your development. Build just the right code to keep your customers happy. You can use Cucumber to test almost any system or any platform. Get started by using the core features of Cucumber and working with Cucumber's Gherkin DSL to describe-in plain language-the behavior your customers want from the system. Then write Ruby code that interprets those plain-language specifications and checks them against your application. Next, consolidate the knowledge you've gained with a worked example, where you'll learn more advanced Cucumber techniques, test asynchronous systems, and test systems that use a database. Recipes highlight some of the most difficult and commonly seen situations the authors have helped teams solve. With these patterns and techniques, test Ajax-heavy web applications with Capybara and Selenium, REST web services, Ruby on Rails applications, command-line applications, legacy applications, and more. Written by the creator of Cucumber and the co-founders of Cucumber Ltd., this authoritative guide will give you and your team all the knowledge you need to start using Cucumber with confidence. What You Need: Windows, Mac OS X (with XCode) or Linux, Ruby 1.9.2 and upwards, Cucumber 2.4, Rails 5, and RSpec 3.5
You need Cucumber: a testing, communication, and requirements tool-all rolled into one. All the code in this book is updated for Cucumber 2.4, Rails 5, and RSpec 3.5.
You need Cucumber: a testing, communication, and requirements tool-all rolled into one. All the code in this book is updated for Cucumber 2.4, Rails 5, and RSpec 3.5.
ROBIN: It might not seem like much, but there are a lot of new technical things going on behind the scenes to make that search work. ... ROBIN: Yay! RAJ: I am very glad to hear you're pleased. We were pleasantly surprised too.
We've written the recipes for compatibility with Ruby 1.9.3 and 1.8.7, plus Cucumber 1.1.4. Other versions may work as well, but these are the ones we test with.
Written by the creator of Cucumber and one of its most experienced users and contributors, "The Cucumber Book" is an authoritative guide that will give readers all the knowledge they need to start using Cucumber with confidence.
Cool as a Cucumber
Adam and Junius, two country mice, go for a visit to the city, where Adam despairs when his dear friend admits he might like to stay.
Adapted from the popular webcomic series, Cucumber Quest: The Flower Kingdom is the fourth graphic novel in a clever, adorable, and hilarious four-volume heroic adventure series from Gigi D.G. that is sure to make you hungry for sweets and ...
This most influential teacher comes vividly to life in Crooked Cucumber, the first full biography of any Zen master to be published in the West.
About the Book BDD in Action teaches you BDD principles and practices and shows you how to integrate them into your existing development process, no matter what language you use.