Rust is an exciting new programming language combining the power of C with memory safety, fearless concurrency, and productivity boosters - and what better way to learn than by making games. Each chapter in this book presents hands-on, practical projects ranging from "Hello, World" to building a full dungeon crawler game. With this book, you'll learn game development skills applicable to other engines, including Unity and Unreal. Rust is an exciting programming language combining the power of C with memory safety, fearless concurrency, and productivity boosters. With Rust, you have a shiny new playground where your game ideas can flourish. Each chapter in this book presents hands-on, practical projects that take you on a journey from "Hello, World" to building a full dungeon crawler game. Start by setting up Rust and getting comfortable with your development environment. Learn the language basics with practical examples as you make your own version of Flappy Bird. Discover what it takes to randomly generate dungeons and populate them with monsters as you build a complete dungeon crawl game. Run game systems concurrently for high-performance and fast game-play, while retaining the ability to debug your program. Unleash your creativity with magical items, tougher monsters, and intricate dungeon design. Add layered graphics and polish your game with style. What You Need: A computer running Windows 10, Linux, or Mac OS X. A text editor, such as Visual Studio Code. A video card and drivers capable of running OpenGL 3.2.
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2011, John Hennessy and David Patterson. A classic somewhat more geared toward computer architects than software engineers. Still, this is well worth studying in depth, even if you do skip ...
Combined with the power of Rust, you can develop robust and scalable applications that fulfill modern day software requirements. This book will help you discover all the Rust features that can be used to build software in a functional way.
This book will be your guide as it takes you through implementing classic data structures and algorithms in Rust, helping you to get up and running as a confident Rust programmer.
It is a new system programming language that offers a practical and safe alternative to C. This book describes web development using the Rust programming language and will get you up and running with modern web frameworks and crates with ...
You'll find yourself playing with persistent storage, memory, networking and even tinkering with CPU instructions. The book takes you through using Rust to extend other applications and teaches you tricks to write blindingly fast code.
This book will take you through each stage of the web development process, showing you how to combine Rust and modern web development principles to build supercharged web apps.
New to this edition: An extended section on Rust macros, an expanded chapter on modules, and appendixes on Rust development tools and editions.
About the book Rust Web Development, teaches you to build server-side web apps using Rust, along with important Rust libraries like tokio for async runtimes, warp for web servers and APIs, and reqwest to run external HTTP requests.
Master professional-level coding in Rust. For developers who’ve mastered the basics, this book is the next step on your way to professional-level programming in Rust.
Properly-paced, filler-free, and specifically designed for beginners to Rust, this book is a complete guide to help newbies get up to speed with Rust and is brimming with practical advice to leverage the performance of Rust, as well as code ...