The flow of information through our modern digital world has led to many new issues and controversies. Information Literacy in the Digital Ageexamines the challenges involved in seeking and evaluating information from the vast array of sources available through digital technology. Compelling text, well-chosen photographs, and extensive back matter give readers a clear look at these complex issues. Features include essential facts, a glossary, additional resources, source notes, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.
Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT) is an imperative for effective participation in today’s digital age.
He challenges us to realize our commitment to develop our students as critical and reflective language users. This is a book all serious literacy professionals need to read and discuss with colleagues.
This book is ideally designed for researchers, academicians, teachers, and business managers seeking current research on a variety of social sciences in terms of the digital age.
The Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in the Digital Age presents key research in the field of digital media literacy with a specific emphasis on the need for pre-service and in-service educators to become familiar and comfortable with ...
Much of this is useful, valuable or enriching. But a lot of it is of dubious quality and provenance, if not downright dangerous. Misinformation forms part of the mix.
Written for media education scholars and students, literacy educators, and anyone involved with integrating new technologies into the educational process, Literacy in a Digital World explores the changing relationship between literacy and ...
... like President Trump or Senator Marco Rubio, they had to learn how to leverage their newfound power. As student Delaney Tarr stated in a New York Times article after the shooting, “The fact is that I have to represent our movement.
This dynamic collection explores a legacy of literacy research while showing the relationships between each paradigm, highlighting their complementarity and distinctions.
What messages are often omitted from media? How do we connect what we see in the worldwide media to the classroom? This book, divided into four parts, serves to answer many of these questions.
This collection is ideal for students and researchers of MIL, as well as policy makers, educators and associations interested in MIL in the digital age.