Managing tourism destinations is an important part of controlling tourism's environmental impacts. Destination management can include land use planning, business permits and zoning controls, environmental and other regulations, business association initiatives, and a host of other techniques to shape the development and daily operation of tourism-related activities. Managing and co-ordinating tourism in a destination requires the organization and co-operation of a large number of sectors, businesses, local authorities and individuals. Since tourism is an important driver in many economies destination governance in tourist destinations needs to be done well, to achieve economic aims and maintain sufficient infrastructure. Destination management is complicated by the fact that a single, recognizable destination may include several municipalities, provinces, or other government entities - in island environments it may be the entire country. Tourist Destination Governance: Practice, Theory and Issues reviews significant facets of the development of thinking in reference to tourist destination governance. It examines the changing contexts of tourist destination governance, identifying and analyzing the main sources of its recent transformations. It examines concepts of collaborative contrasted with contested participation and the pluralities of stakeholders and actors with unequal skills, commitment and resources. It considers the roles of administrators in the political process by which destination governance is conducted on a day-to-day basis in contrast with the shaping of policy by political leaders. This book provides a guide to the theoretical and methodological understanding of how to implement best practice governance procedures, with case studies illustrating good performance. It is suitable for researchers and practitioners in tourism and leisure studies.