To Shirley Hudspeth and her class at Mason Intermediate School for trying out the turtle fortune-tellers. ○ To Kim Rader and her class at Mason Intermediate School for their popcorn investigations. ○ To Julie Wellbaum for her ...
To the teachers at Mason Early Childhood Center, Mason Heights Elementary, Western Row Elementary, and Mason Intermediate School in Mason City School District for inspiring our efforts to integrate literature and science.
This book's 15 kid-friendly lessons convey how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics intersect in the real world.
Plus: This latest volume even connects the lessons to A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the English Language Arts and Literacy Common Core State Standards.
This book's 15 kid-friendly lessons convey how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics intersect in the real world.
is the elementary science curriculum leader for Mason City Schools, in Mason, Ohio. As a former classroom teacher, she understands that teachers are crunched for time and need high-interest, ready-to-use lessons that integrate ...
Hitt, A. M. 2005. Attacking a dense problem:A learner-centered approach to teaching density. Science Activities 42 (1): 25–29. Saunders, W. L. 1992. The constructivist perspective: Implications and teaching strategies for science.
Author and state science specialist Steve Rich shows teachers how to create outdoor learning spaces that can be used from year to year-with little extra effort or resources.
In this retelling of the Indian fable, seven blind mice discover different parts of an elephant and argue about its appearance. This Caldecott Honor book is in a board book format for the first time. Full color.
Twelve people set aside their fears and ride a roller coaster, including one who has never done so before.