In a very practical way, Fr. Dwight Longenecker invites you to consider how each of the events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, represented by the mysteries of the Rosary, corresponds to an event or stage in your own life. Through stories, reflections, and prayerful meditations, you will uncover areas where you may need Christ’s healing touch, and learn how to take them to him in prayer through Our Lady. Learn to pray the Rosary for inner healing and discover a new life in Christ that is radiant, abundant, and free.
In a very practical way, Fr. Dwight Longenecker invites you to consider how each of the events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, represented by the mysteries of the Rosary, corresponds to an event or stage in your own life.
Whether you're new to praying the Rosary or a person who recites it daily, this unique book will be a powerful aide to enter into God's presence, grow in your knowledge of the Gospels, and practice greater depth of prayer.
Healing Mysteries: A Scriptural Rosary
Designed to introduce readers to the mysteries of the rosary, this book by author Liz Kelly gently guides the reader on an exploration of this powerful prayer that is well suited even to this modern world.
We are in a war with evil. It's real, and it's personal. Here is your weapon, and here is a warrior to fight beside you. In this book you'll learn to pray the Rosary in a whole new way, battling along-side Mary as you pray the 20 mysteries.
How to Pray for Inner Healing
That is why you are encouraged to pray the Rosary Simply put, the Rosary works. in this book Scriptural Rosary Meditations Praying the Rosary: The Complete Guide to Praying the Complete Rosary Mysteries (Including the Luminous Mysteries) ...
Healing Rosary, The
How to Pray for Inner Healing: For Yourself and Others
In this book, Francis MacNutt, an early leader in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and head of Christian Healing Ministries, encourages Catholics to do both.