Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour stands on the brink of power, promising a fundamental re-ordering of British politics. But what, in practice, will this entail? How can a radical government stand up to an establishment that is hostile to any significant redistribution of wealth and power? People Get Ready!dives into the nitty gritty of what’s needed to bring about transformative change. Unlike a decade ago, the left’s problem is no longer a shortage of big ideas. Inside and outside the Labour Party, an agenda for new forms of public and community ownership is taking shape. Today the biggest danger facing the left is lack of preparedness—the absence of strategies that can make these ideas a reality. People Get Ready! draws on previous attempts at radical change, from the election of Labour at the end of the Second World War and the progressive early days of Mitterrand’s presidency in France, to Tony Benn’s battles with Harold Wilson and Margaret Thatcher’s icy insistence that there was no alternative to free markets. These stories highlight the importance of knowing your allies and, even more, your enemies, of being ready to deal with sabotage and resistance from the highest levels, of being bold enough to transform the structures of government, and of having a mass movement that can both support the leadership and hold it to its radical programme when the going gets tough. Remarkably, democratic socialism in Britain is closer to government than in any other European country. The responsibilities this brings for those supporting the Corbyn project are as great as the opportunities it presents. But there isn’t much time to get ready …
We received help on specific points in the text from the following friends, journalists, and scholars: Robert Pollin, Timothy Noah, Richard V. Reeves, James Galbraith, James Baughman, David Howell, John Schmitt, Daniel Bowman Simon, ...
Jazz musicians, scholars, and journalists emphasize how the political consciousness that infused jazz in the 1960s and 1970s has continued to animate the avant-garde, Free Jazz, fusion, and other forms of this lively, always-evolving music.
This volume - based on a two-yearcollaboration with the Project on Lived Theology at the University of Virginia - offers a series of illustrations and styles of lived theology, in conversation with other major approaches to the religious ...
In Traveling Soul, Todd Mayfield tells his famously private father's story in riveting detail.
Cemi is a Taíno agricultural deity“often represented in the form of a tricornered clay object” (Jose Martí 437, n.9), while the condor on which he travels is Qechua in origin and offers a perfect symbolic counterpoint to the American ...
Finally, time and space take another Sun Ra-ian shift by way of Buddhist philosophy and poststructural theory—and humor—in Tracy McMullen's “People, Don't Get Ready: Improvisation, Democracy, and Hope.” McMullen offers a critical ...
-Daniel H. Wilson , author of Robopocalypse " I was blown away by this book . ... Ernie Cline has pulled the raddest of all magic tricks : He's managed to write a novel that's at once serious and playful , that is as fun to read as it ...
“Yeah, a baby,” Harlow sneered. “Clutching pearls, clutching pearls,” her three cheerleaders mocked, placing a hand up to their necks. The café went wild. It was clear that these girls had been watching us hard.
I suggest you listen to these songs to re-familiarize yourself with the lyrics. Our first song and devotional is from the Impressions and their 1965 hit, " People Get Ready- There's a Train a Coming".
This 121 page 8x10 planner is a perfect sleep lovers gift for anyone who loves to sleep in!