Undivided Heart: Piano/Vocal/Guitar

Undivided Heart: Piano/Vocal/Guitar
Leah Michelle Hamilton Music Publishing
Leah Michelle Hamilton


A new, fresh approach to lovely songs, combining all the elements for you to use and perform with at your fingertips. Scores laid out by an engineer combined with a music note writing program made for a perfect combination of usability by professional and casual musicians, as well as those wanting to learn new material. This book can be used to teach a class on writing your own songs, as well as teaching and learning, piano, guitar, violin, flute, or singing. These harmony and scores are laid out with chords written and diagrams to observe and emulate while playing the pieces. The songs and lyrics have often been inspired by a verse in the Bible, as well as real life situations and emotions. The faith building, learning, and seeking in these songs is inspiring. For use in private devotions, teaching classes, or in a devotional or Ted talk, these inspirations are for everyone regardless of race, religion, political views, personalities, or musical styles. Songs that can be customized and added to with your own personality and musical creations create a fuller experience. Add new harmony to the existing songs and enjoy the learning. Talk about the verses or themes these songs are telling. This is the "Behind the Scenes" look at the songs. "Mi Corazon" show the love for family, faith, and work. Put your own children in the song or someone you love. "Mi Corazon", my heart is in Spanish as Leah is from Spain, France, and England. "Tenor mon Coeur", hold my heart sung in French, is a joy to her French roots. Add in your language in these sections. "Undivided Heart" is available in many languages around the world, as we all have a common thread in life, love, faith, and family. In "No Extra Dues" it talks about how regardless of your religion, the price has all been paid. There is nothing we can do to earn it, or nothing we can do to lose it once we accept the free gift that God gave us through His Son, Christ's death and resurrection for us. We all share hurts, passions and struggles. So reach out to your neighbor whether they live in a fancy house, condo, or cardboard box. We all need hope for today, forgiveness, and a promise of connecting with each other and a home in heaven. It is the one thing I am absolutely sure of. Singing and playing instruments is as old as time, and as new as a relevant twist on the music. Psalms were words set to music in the Old Testament and express an adoration for God as our Father, and trust that He is always with us in good and hard times. "Little Foxes" talks of the things that can destroy young love. The things that "spoil the vines." Now Leah Michelle loves little red foxes, and recently filmed some out in the Channel Islands. Music videos watch out. However, there are many things that can destroy our relationships. Being intentional to protect, develop, and enjoy your love of your life, your family, or a close friend takes time and thought. Things we say, read, and sing about can and do influence our actions and emotions. Regardless of your past, start today with truth, kindness for yourself and others. This music book along with the album, "Undivided Heart" will start you on an adventure and journey that is endless with possibilities, love, and hope.

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