In Educational Inequality and School Finance, Bruce Baker, a scholar of education finance and the economics of education, offers a comprehensive examination of how U.S. public schools receive and spend money.--
Bruce Baker unlocks this mystery in this engrossing book that describes the state’s unique constitutional structure, and the politics and the personalities—often women in key positions—that brought this to fruition.” —Michael A. ...
Modern education finance and policy. Boston: Pearson. Johns, R. L. (1972). The coming revolution in school finance. The Phi Delta Kappan, 54(1), 18–22. Johns, R. L., & Morphet, E. L. (1960). Financing the public schools.
Instead, this work demonstrates that educational inequality has been embedded in our nation's urban high schools since their founding. The book argues that urban schools were never funded adequately.
Equality of Educational Opportunity (Coleman Report), 14-15, 27, 35,267 Equity concepts adequacy distinguished from, ... 218-232 district power equalizing (DPE), 17-18, 28, 38, 46-47,49, 50-51, 81, 83, 94, 184184 district response to, ...
School Finance: A Policy Perspective
In Savage Inequalities, Kozol delivers a searing examination of the extremes of wealth and poverty and calls into question the reality of equal opportunity in our nation's schools.
The book offers (1) a better and more holistic understanding of ways to measure education inequalities; and (2) strategies for facing the challenge of inequality in education in the processes of policy formation, planning and implementation ...
This book contains a comprehensive review of the theory and practice of financing public schools by federal, state, and local governments in the United States.
SCHOOL FINANCE LITIGATION IN THE NAME OF EDUCATIONAL EQUITY Coons, J.E., W.H. Clune, and S.D. Sugarman 1969 Educational opportunity: A workable constitutional test for state financial structures. California Law Review 57(2):305-421.
How America's Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future Linda Darling-Hammond. Ryan, S., & Ackerman, D. (2004). ... Enhancing students' understanding of mathematics: A study of three contrasting approaches to professional support.