"For renowned actor Sir Mungo, his quiet home village in Devon provides the perfect retreat and the ideal getaway for his old friends in London. Among those is Kit, who comes to stay for the summer, bringing with her a letter from her first and only love, Jake, and a heart in turmoil"--
With wit, insight and a sharp eye for detail, Alex von Tunzelmann relates how a handful of people changed the world for ever.
While spending a summer on an Iroquois reservation where her father is a doctor, Joni McCord lives with Sarah Birdsong, and the two girls try to put aside their differences and become friends. Reprint. AB. K. C.
In 1850, six-year-old Thomas Jefferson Mayfield was adopted by the Choinumne Yokuts of California's San Joaquin Valley.
New from popular author Susan K. Marlow
5 Cobbold , 200 . 6 Friedberg , 389–90 . 7 IOL , L.Mil 17/5/1739 , 17 . 8 PRO , WO 105/42 , ' Memo ... Military Requirements for the Defence of India ' , 4 . 9 Durand , The Making of a Frontier , 41 . 10 Allworth , 7 .
Will Randall is 'the teacher who travels' and, as in SOLOMON TIME, this is a funny and heart-warming account of how one man's enthusiasm and old-fashioned desire to do good have helped to preserve a community.
In 1972 James Cameron , newly married to an Indian , returned to India , a country he had known since before the end of the Raj . It was a land with which he was already deeply in love - at once exasperating , generous , beautiful and ...
In late nineteenth-century Florence, a disillusioned middle-aged American architect encounters a young woman who doggedly tries to restore his faith in love
Is there an Indian Ocean dipole and is it independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation? CLIVAR Exch. 6, 18–22. Anil, N., Ramesh Kumar, M.R., Sajeev, R., Saji, P.K., 2016. Role of distinct flavors of IOD events on Indian summer ...
Six children find themselves transported back several centuries to a time in which the forests around their home were inhabited by Potawatomi Indians.