Entertainment Law: Cases and Materials on Established and Emerging Media is an exciting book that contains cases, unique interviews with celebrities and other materials that educates its readers about the complex entertainment business. To capture first-hand knowledge of the entertainment business, the author has interviewed widely throughout the world. The celebrities featured in this book include Academy Award, Emmy and Grammy winners, as well as best-selling authors. It opens with a chapter on the globalization of the entertainment industry and explains how mastering U.S. entertainment law helps qualify lawyers to work abroad.
The celebrities featured in this book include Academy Award and Grammy winners, as well as best-selling authors and TV stars.
... NLRB v., 186 Godfather III, 190 Godfried, Nathan, 138 Going Away: A Report, A Memoir, 47 Gold, Bernard D., 97 Goldberg, J ., 55 Goldberg, Neal, 220 Goldsmiths College, University of London, 53, 66 Goldstein, Richard N., 283 Index.
Dealmaking—the popular, award-winning “self-defense” book for everyone working in the film and television industry—is now updated to include the latest legal rulings and entertainment technology developments. Addressing a general, non-attorney...
A variety of edited cases are included throughout the book, and reflect classic contract law and contemporary rulings in different industries and states.
In this book, esteemed television executive and Harvard lecturer Ken Basin offers a comprehensive overview of the business, financial, and legal structure of the U.S. television industry, as well as its dealmaking norms.
Smith & Hogan criminal law: Cases and materials (9th ed.) ... New Media & Society, 14(7), 1147–1163. doi: 10.1177/1461444812439553 Thomas, A. (1999). MP3—devil or angel: An analysis of compression. Entertainment Law Review, 13(1), 25–51.
Prior to 1990, the U.S. Library of Congress counted titles eligible for inclusion in that library, such as publications by mainline publishers, but left out those of smaller firms and even mass paperbacks. The R. R. Bowker Company, ...
The third edition includes expanded introductory material for each section.
While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.
Providing an accessible analysis, this book will be important to public health policy-makers and practitioners, business and community leaders, health advocates, educators and journalists.