The future of civil justice is best understood through the prism of tort reform. Through objective commentary, essays on both sides of the battle, articles, interest group papers, and cases, this text is ideal vehicle to comprehend this 40 year struggle. Does the tort system yield inefficient and counter-productive results (e.g., a less competitive market and higher prices), or is it that prized legal regime its supporters contend, leveling the playing field, preserving fragile rights of injured consumers? This text explores the shift in the debate, from substantive accountability to process-based changes, allowing readers to form answers to these questions and gain insights on how the tort reform tale might finally end.
"This is a pioneering and heroic effort to quantify the ways in which our patent system has failed to live up to its raison d' tre: promoting innovation. The book will be controversial.
"This book describes the beginnings of CEELI, the obstacles it overcame, the challenges it faced, and the ABA leaders who built it.
This Command Paper from the Office of the Leader of the House of Commons sets out a process for post-legislative scrutiny by the Government.
An examination of issues relating to reform of property law ranging from historical and comparative to the critical discussion of special current proposals.
Patent Law Reform
Patent Law Reform: A Consultative Document
In so doing, this collection of essays explores issues in order to learn from the past so that we can adapt for the future." -- publisher's description.
Report on the Legislation Governing the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services
... 原被雙方互相舉證詢問,沒有一方能完全主導案情發展,事實的呈現較為客觀。在台灣刑事司法的怪現象是,原告(即檢察官)鮮少實質 ... 原載於 1999/07/07 《自由時報》) 知新這篇快筆發表六年後,台灣 74 理與力十年但是思辨.
Women's Walk