This new edition of An Introduction to the Law of Employment Discrimination summarizes the federal laws that prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, age, and disability.
Reduces the language of court opinions into plain English and trims off extraneous topics to provide a succinct guide to what is and is not legal. No dates are noted...
Finally, among the lower court decisions added in this edition is Rizo v.
Cases and Materials on the Law of Employment Discrimination
Employment discrimination law: Cumulative Suppl., 2002 [to the] 3. ed
305 ( 1976 ) ; for a collection of essays on the theme , see Principals and Agents : The Structure of Business ( John W. Pratt and Richard J. Zeckhauser eds . 1985 ) . transactional confusion that is created by any system of divided 22 ...
Federal Law of Employment Discrimination in a Nutshell
Reflecting the dominate theme of workplace equality, the authors go beyond this general consensus to affirm that the fundamental purpose of laws prohibiting employment discrimination is to implement the national...
New to the Second Edition: A renewed focus on sexual harassment and a robust discussion of the #metoo movement An examination of sexual orientation and a review of the conflicting federal appellate cases on whether it is protected by anti ...