From celebrated design expert and interior designer Athena Calderone, a look into how creatives decorate their spaces Beautiful design isn’t just pleasant to look at; it improves the quality of our lives. In Live Beautiful, the highly anticipated design book by Athena Calderone, the EyeSwoon creator taps into her international network of interior decorators, fashion designers, and tastemakers to reveal how carefully crafted interiors come together. She also opens the doors to two of her own residences. With each homeowner, Calderone explores the initial spark of inspiration that incited their design journey. She then breaks down the details of the rooms—like layered textures and patterns, collected pieces, and customized vignettes—and offers helpful tips on how to bring these elevated elements into your own space. Filled with gorgeous photography by Nicole Franzen, Live Beautiful is both a showpiece of exquisite design and a guide to creating a home that’s thoughtfully put together.
مغامرات في أراض وممالك خيالية ومخلوقات دبت فيها الحياة لأنها تقع في أرض أوز السحرية، مع كل مغامرة نستكشف مناطق من هذا العالم وشخصيات تصاحبنا في الرحلات شرقا وغربا وشمالا...
beautiful. I don't want you to get your hopes up too much, I mean they are just stunning." Nothing like a good little chat from your own mother to bring you back to earth. I love her attitude and approach to life, she doesn't sugarcoat ...
Whenthe day is done, I may not have earthly accomplishments togive in return forthe many pleasures I have enjoyed fromnature's beauty, but, dear God,I give youmy hands. With them, I haveearned my living honestly.
انا كارنينا
محبوبة هي رواية من تأليف الكاتبة الأمريكية توني موريسون، صدرت في عام 1987 بعد الحرب الأهلية في أمريكا عام، وهي مستوحاة من قصة زنجية أمريكية ذات أصول أفريقية تدعى مارجريت...
An observation made in the year 150 AD explains why: 'Beauty of life causes strangers to join our ranks. We do not talk about great things; we live them.' It is open to us to do likewise!
I was so inspired by the movie and the character played by Warren Beatty that I immediately signed up for beauty school . Within two weeks , most of my associates had dropped out , but I fell in love with the industry .
They too have been hit by the arrows and assaults of others, but they have become whole in Christ and now live a life of restored beauty, love, and joy. Now, they reach out and love others with a more extravagant love and strength of ...
when they are forced to live with what seems inexplicable, unofficial or unexplained every day of their lives. Regardless of what you, the reader, may believe about any of these reported experiences personally, the facts are that, ...
هي رواية للكاتب الروسي فيودور دوستويفسكي وعموماً تعتبر تتويجاً لأعماله. أمضى دوستويفسكي قرابة عامين في كتابة الإخوة كارامازوف، والتي نشرت في فصول في مجلة الرسول الروسي وأنجزها في تشرين الثاني...