Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus provide all churches with much-needed direction. In this EBTC volume, Andreas J. Köstenberger captures the rich theological contributions of Paul's oft-overlooked letters to Timothy and Titus. Köstenberger highlights Paul's mature reflections on doctrine, the church's nature, mission, relationships, dynamics, and oversight, the Christian life, and the last days. Köstenberger analyzes these letters against the Old Testament and the rest of the New Testament, particularly Paul's other letters and Acts. The Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC) series locates each biblical book within redemptive history and illuminates its unique theological contributions. All EBTC volumes feature informed exegetical treatment of the biblical book and thorough discussion of its most important theological themes in relation to the canon--all in a style that is useful and accessible to students of Scripture.
Questions about the nature of Christian leadership and authority, attitudes toward wealth and materialism, proper responses to cults, the role of women in the church, and even the validity of the institution of marriage are not new.
Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts.
Long's interpretations of these books consider contemporary exegetical and theological outlooks and are presented through his seasoned homiletical and pastoral perspectives.
Comprehensive, accessible, and fully illustrated--this commentary on 1-2 Timothy and Titus is a must-have resource.
The Crossway Classic Commentary Series, carefully adapted for maximum understanding and usefulness, presents the very best work on individual Bible books for today's believers. Timothy and Titus were two of Paul's faithful associates.
The Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary series provides a unique, in depth commentary on scriptures that encapsulates both an exegetical approach and a Biblical Theology application for a comprehensive offering critical ...
The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represent the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching.
This volume explores 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus to help us better understand what God requires of those who lead in the local church, as well as of those who would be led.
Kraemer, Ross S. 1985. “A New Inscription from Malta and the Question of Women Elders in the Diaspora Jewish ... Lightfoot, J. B. 1868. St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. London: Macmillan. Repr., Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1991.
In keeping with the character of Pillar New Testament Commentary volumes, The Letters to Timothy and Titus offers a straightforward reading of these texts.