《基督教入华史》书卷,是根据为三集历史专题片《宣教士》所提供的资料整理完成。时间跨度涵盖东汉,第一世纪使徒多马来到东方,直至1952年,中国共产党建立新中国后,西方传教士全数撤离中国。期间历经唐朝景教、元朝也里可温教、明朝天主教,以及明末清初和民国初年基督教新教在华流传的经过。 虽然我们所作的不可能完全,但力所能及地翻遍了世界各地可能的矿藏,采集了所有可用的原料。正如我们今天站在前人的肩头,希望后来者亦能借助我们的工作,在来华宣教这个领域,走得更高、更深、更远、更明晰。 愿这条历史长河,在将来对过去的反映中,神对中华民族的祝福,响彻神州大地。
2 parts . Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 13 ( 1973 ) : 110-32 ; 14 ( 1974 ) : 16085 . Swanson , Allen J. The Church in Taiwan : A Profile , 1980. Pasadena , Calif .: William Carey Library , 1981 . - .
A New History of Christianity in China, written by one of the world's the leading writers on Christianity in China, looks at Christianity's long history in China, its extraordinarily rapid rise in the last half of the twentieth century, and ...
This major work covers each of the historic periods in China with a focus on the development of Christianity and its cultural interaction in each period.
The second volume on Christianity in China covers the period from 1800 to the present day, dealing with the complexities of both Catholic and Protestant aspects.
The culmination of D. E. Mungello’s forty years of study on Sino-Western history, this book provides a compelling and nuanced history of Roman Catholicism in modern China.
VALLEY FORGE American Baptist Churches, USA American Baptist Historical Society–American Baptist Archives Center ... HILL Winthrop College Archives SOUTH DAKOTA MITCHELL United Methodist Church, Dakotas Conference– Archives and History ...
Published by Rowman & Littlefield A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 www.rowman.com Unit A, Whitacre Mews, 26-34 Stannary Street, ...
These studies examine writings by Protestant missionaries in China from 1819 to 1890. The initial aim of the missionaries was religious--to bring the Gospel message to a Chinese audience. The...
Yao, Kevin Xiyi, The Fundamentalist Movement among Protestant Missionaries in China, 1920–1937, Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 2003. Zaccarini, M. Cristina, The Sino-American Friendship as Tradition and Challenge: Dr. Ailie ...
Ian Johnson lived for extended periods with underground church members, rural Daoists, and Buddhist pilgrims.