"Clearly written, entertaining, informative, and very clinically focused." Kirk Strosahl, PhD, cofounder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy The ACT Approach is the ultimate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) resource all clinicians need to move their clients and therapy forward. Combining the foundational knowledge of ACT with practical guidance, strategies, and techniques, you can begin to use ACT immediately with any client that walks through your door. Highly recommended by other ACT experts, this workbook is filled with unique tools you won't find anywhere else: * Reproducible handouts &worksheets * Mindfulness scripts * Experiential exercises * Transcripts from therapy sessions with line by line analysis Includes specific case examples and treatment strategies for: * Anxiety Disorders * Depression * Chronic Pain * PTSD * OCD * Substance Use * Borderline Personality Disorder * Adults, Children, Couples, Families, and Groups!
5674 Shattuck avenue Oakland, Ca 94609 www.newharbinger.com all rights reserved. Printed in the United States of america. Distributed in Canada by raincoast Books. acquired by Jess O'Brien; Cover design by amy Shoup; edited by Carole ...
本书以对话的形式展开, 告诉读者为什么所有人都会在某些时候感到焦虑, 以及焦虑在人的生命中到底扮演着怎样的角色, 将个人关于焦虑的体验与普遍的经验结合起来.具体内容包括 ...
本书告诉情侣们如何在爱情的道路上建立并强化爱之联系,加深伴侣关系.读者通过书中的练习,将不断认识和接受对方,过上忠于内心的生活,自由地把自己的一切展现给伴侣 ...
During the asynchronous session, you submit your assignments (ongoing journals, completed exercises, and so on) using e-mail attachments or fax, and I will review your work prior to our live session. This will help me structure our live ...
走出苦難,擁抱人生: 接受與承諾治療自助手冊
本书阐述了接受与实现疗法(ACT)----全新的, 有科学基础的心理疗法, 从全新的视角来审视为什么我们会感觉到痛苦.从中你会学会:了解为何人类语言的本质就会产生折磨 ...
Popular myths about love set us up for a struggle with real life.
ACT, RFT and contextual behavioral science / Michael Levin and Steven C. Hayes --Core processes in acceptance and commitment therapy / John T. Blackledge and Dermot Barnes-Holmes --Teaching ACT : to whom, why and how / Kirk D. Strosahl and ...
Building on the success of their book for professionals, leaders in the field of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) John Forsyth and Georg Eifert present this exciting and innovative ACT workbook to general readers.
One way to stop blaming others is to defuse from the blame game whenever you catch yourself playing it. The following simple activity, The Blame Game, can help you defuse from unhelpful, nonassertive, blaming behavior.