Great stories, great adventures, and valuable lessons, brought to you by Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and all your pony friends! It's exam time at the School of Friendship, and Ocellus has come up with an idea for a stellar project that's sure to impress all her teachers--a history of Equestria shown through her own unique Changeling abilities! Then, Applejack helps Apple Bloom learn about the meaning of courage when she tells her sister a story about facing the biggest fear she had as a young filly: the water! And, when painfully shy Marble Pie tries to make friends at school, she ends up panicking and agreeing to throw a party instead! Collects issues #84-88 of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series by writers Christina Rice, Mary Kenney, Jeremy Whitley, and Ted Anderson with artists Toni Kuusisto, Casey W. Coller, Kate Sherron, and Tony Fleecs.
Great stories, great adventures, and valuable lessons, brought to you by Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and all your pony friends!
Volumes 1-4 written by Katie Cook, illustrated by Andy Price -- Volumes 5-8 written by Heather Nuhfer, illustrated by Amy Mebberson.
Things are getting a little crazier than normal in Ponyville!
Plus, Twilight and friends are surprised to learn that a film is being made about them! When the story turns out to be less than accurate, the group decides to make their own film! Collects issues #64-68 of the ongoing series.
Come one, come all and join the Young Six at the School of Friendship's very first sporting event—the Feats of Friendship!
Pinkie Pie discovers a secret about Rainbow Dash...she hates pie!
The origin of Equestria's most famous pony heroes continues as they come together to face the greatest evil any have ever encountered!
When Fluttershy is summoned away, it's up to Angel bunny to keep the animal sanctuary running.
It's all here: the origins of cutie marks, friendships, magic, and more! In this opening story arc, we travel back in time to uncover the secrets of Starswirl the Bearded and his magical friends!
A visit to a newly erupted geyser has sinister consequences for the ponies, and Mayor Mare faces stiff competition from Filthy Rich in Ponyville's mayoral election.