In This Issue Essays Lisa M. Corrigan, "Queering the Panthers: Rhetorical Adjacency and Black/Queer Liberation Politics" Bernadette Marie Calafell, "Narrative Authority, Theory in the Flesh, and the Fight over The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson" Forum: Stonewall Fiftieth Anniversary: Queering Legacy and Its Futures KC Councilor, "Standing on the Shoulders of Stonewall" Qwo-Li Driskill, "All Power to the People: A Gay Liberation Triptych" Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, "Disability Justice/Stonewall's Legacy, or: Love Mad Trans Black Women When They Are Alive and Dead, Let Their Revolutions Teach Your Resistance All the Time" Andrea Jenkins, "Power to the People: The Stonewall Revolution" Shuzhen Huang, "Fifty Years since Stonewall: Beyond the Borders of the United States" pattrice jones, "Queer Eros in the Enchanted Forest: The Spirit of Stonewall as Sustainable Energy" Didier William, "Two Dads" Kevin Mumford, "The Lessons of Stonewall Fifty Years Later" Eric Marcus, "Making Peace with Stonewall" Joseph Nicholas DeFilippis, "Betraying the Legacy of Stonewall" Ryan Conrad,. "I Still Hate New Year's Day" Perry N. Halkitis, "Coming Out and the Otherness of Gay Men Across Generations" Exhibition Reviews Jessica Posner, "QED Spring 2019 Exhibition Reviews: Editorial Note" David Geer and Isaac Pool, "Love & Resistance: Stonewall 50" Exhibition Review & Queer Conversation Chris E. Vargas and Jessica Posner, "Remembering 'Consciousness Razing--The Stonewall Re-Memorialization Project': Chris E. Vargas in Conversation with Jessica Posner" Book Reviews Michael Arditti, Of Men and Angels, reviewed by Frederick Roden Hongwei Bao, Queer Comrades: Gay Identity and Tongzhi Activism in Postsocialist China, reviewed by Di Wang Liz Montegary, Familiar Perversions: The Racial, Sexual, and Economic Politics of LGBT Families, reviewed by Matty Hemming
Once upon a time a Wood Grouse and a Drake lived together . When it got cold the Drake would fly to warmer lands . The Wood Grouse would fly after him , weeping bitterly , and his eyes would swell and turn red . The Drake felt sorry for ...
The first two were those of Quantum Electrodynamics I and II (Schwinger 1948d, 1949a). The third was a 25-page typewritten manuscript entitled, “Quantum Electrodynamics III: Modification of Particle Electromagnetic Properties.
Quantum revolution: Qed: the jewel of physics
This short book approaches quantum field theory via the study of a selection of important papers in QED, electroweak theory and QCD.
Grasp in an instant why Pythagoras's theorem must be correct. Follow the ancient Chinese proof of the volume formula for the frustrating frustum, and Archimedes' method for finding the volume of a sphere.
This book is the first systematic attempt to consider the full quantum-electrodynamical interaction (QED), thus greatly enriching the possible dynamical mechanisms that operate in the construction of the wonderful variety of condensed ...
This book is a venture that, as far as we know, has never been tried.
... A. Yacoby, M.D. Lukin, R.L. Walsworth, Coherence of nitrogen-vacancy electronic spin ensembles in diamond. Phys. Rev. B 82(20), 201201 (Nov 2010) A. Beige, D. Braun, P.L. Knight, Driving atoms into decoherence-free states.
This book provides details of the calculation of the interaction between two neutral polarizable atoms or molecules using molecular quantum electrodynamics (QED).
With its coverage of multi-loop calculations, this book serves as an excellent supplement to the standard textbooks on quantum field theory.