Join Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, and John Burroughs on their pioneering camping trips during the early 1900s in this energetic and entertaining nonfiction picture-book adventure. After years of inventing things that other people needed, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford realized there was something they needed—a vacation! So, the famous inventors packed up Ford's Model T and invited their good friends Harvey Firestone and John Burroughs to join them as "the Four Vagabonds" hit America's back roads to enjoy the country's natural beauty, fireside chats, and frolicking fun with friends—all while inspiring future generations to invent camping adventures of their own. “Buckle yourself in as Claudia Friddell and Jeremy Holmes take you on a fun, creative, and certainly unique road trip with America’s most famous vagabonds—Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, and John Burroughs. The colorful and spirited illustrations, the stories of the Vagabond’s bivouacking travels and campsite escapades, and the well-researched bibliography makes Road Trip! a great addition to any child’s library!” —Matt Andres, curatorial registrar, Edison and Ford Winter Estates
AtJustin Timberlake's golfchampionship, he helpedraise money for children's hospitals. George holds his own charity golftournament each year, ...
Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and JC Chasez were Mouseketeers on the last few seasons of The All-New Mickey Mouse Club (1989–1994), ...
Lock, E.D. and Timberlake, J.M. (2002) 'Battle fatigue: is public support waning for “war”-cen- tered drug control strategies?
... she'd choose: Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Cindy Crawford, Britney Spears Her dream date is: Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt, Chris O'Donnell, ...
Timberlake, James H. Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900–1920. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963. Theater [o] THE AMERICAN THEATER ...
... the green space with undersea footage, or insert yourself into a Justin Timberlake video and make it look like you're performing together. the window.
Newly arrived in New York city in 1926, Newt Scamander does not expect to stay long, that is, until his magical case is misplaced and some of his fantastic beasts escape.
... Now and Then—just the two of you c) packing a dinner picnic and heading for a ... Cindy Crawford, Britney Spears Her dream date is: Justin Timberlake, ...
Step 3 — Write your answer, remembering to deal with all the aspects required: ... Possibly only one/the wrong source(s) addressed. origins The 'who, what, ...
... NY V.P.: John N. Garner, Henry A. Wallace, Harry S. Truman First Lady: ... Acting on his promise to offer Americans a “New Deal,” FDR created a host of ...