The political philosopher Ryan T. Anderson, bestselling author of When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, teams up with the pro-life journalist Alexandra DeSanctis to expose the catastrophic failure—social, political, legal, and personal—of legalized abortion. Hope in the Ruins of Roe With the Supreme Court poised to return abortion law to the democratic process, a powerful new book reframes the coming debate: Our fifty-year experiment with unlimited abortion has harmed everyone—even its most passionate proponents. Women, men, families, the law, politics, medicine, the media—and, of course, children (born and unborn)—have all been brutalized by the culture of death fostered by Roe v. Wade. Abortion hollows out marriage and the family. It undermines the rule of law and corrupts our political system. It turns healers into executioners and “women’s health” into a euphemism for extermination. Ryan T. Anderson, a compelling and reasoned voice in our most contentious cultural debates, and the pro-life journalist Alexandra DeSanctis expose the false promises of the abortion movement and explain why it has made everything worse. Five decades after Roe, everyone has an opinion about abortion. But after reading Tearing Us Apart, no one will think about it in the same way.
Harold L. Wilensky , Rich Democracies : Political Economy , Public Policy , and Performance ( Berkeley : University ... Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson , The Cultural Creatives : How 50 lion People Are Changing the World ( New York ...
To keep a relationship from hitting "esc" or worse, "delete," this fast-paced life calls for fast-paced strategies, and this book is full of them! Many broken relationships not only can be mended, but they can actually be magnificent.
As eminent legal scholar Jamal Greene shows in How Rights Went Wrong, we need to recouple rights with justice--before they tear society apart.
They know how to turn the heat of conflict into the light of creativity, connection, and insight. In this much-need book, Ian Leslie explores what happens to us when we argue, why disagreement makes us stressed, and why we get angry.
The Year's Work on The Room, the Worst Movie Ever Made Adam M. Rosen ... Imagine that this film didn't just sometimes feel oddly like, but actually was, a thoroughgoing parody of sexist narcissism. And imagine that all the other ...
Filled with tested practices for opening safe and honest dialogue in the workplace and challenges to confront our own tendencies to bond with those who are like us, Our Search for Belonging is a powerful statement of hope in a disquieting ...
JESSICA BAKER: Hey '87! What's up? I'm looking for Kyle Noonan. Anyone got the 411 on him? She feels like an idiot, but it is her only shot. She stretches again, refills her coffee mug, and sits back down only to see she's already ...
This book exposes the contrast between the media’s sunny depiction of gender fluidity and the often sad reality of living with gender dysphoria.
80. Patricia Cohen , “ In Economics Departments , a Growing Will to Debate Fundamental Assumptions , " New York Times , July 11 , 2007 , p . A37 . 8 : Day of Reckoning 1 . Merle Haggard , “ Are the Good Times Really Over for Good ?
Tearing Us Apart: Inequalities in Southern Africa