Roswell: The Chronological Pictorial

Roswell: The Chronological Pictorial
Social Science
Thomas J Carey


This is not just another Roswell book. It's like no other book about the 1947 Roswell UFO crash ever written, including the authors' own previous six books on the subject. Based upon the authors' thirty years' investigation of the most famous UFO case of all time, it "brings the case to life" like no other book, TV documentary, mini-series or movie. With the deft use of copious photographs accumulated over the course of their investigation, the authors supplement the each step of important information in the text of the chronological timeline of the case, from the time of the UFO's crash in the high desert near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, up to the present (2019). The names of all participants in the crash/recovery as well as the important informational sources are identified along with their photo images. The "missing nurse" identified by Roswell mortician Glenn Dennis as being at the autopsy at the Roswell airbase is finally revealed. Also included are photos of the locations where everything took place - from the 1947 crash site to the present location of the wreckage and bodies. Minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, month-by-month and year-by-year, the reader is transported back to 1947 and brought forward to the present in the timeline of everything that has happened in and to this case. Bringing the Roswell incident to life in this way, there is no other book written about Roswell like it. Additionally, it should become the companion to every other book about Roswell ever written. See: The fabled "Hangar 18" What the Roswell UFO crash site(s) look like today The only surviving crew member on the alien "body flight" of July 9, 1947 The "guest house" where rancher Mack Brazel was kept and forced to change his story The future NFL football star who was a first-hand witness to the 1947 events The "tool" that an Air Force enforcer used to threaten witnesses into silence The military ambulances used to transport alien bodies from the crash site The faces of the aliens from another world What the Generals Said about Roswell: "It was a cover story, the balloon part of it ... That was the story we were told to give to the public and the news people, and that was it." Brigadier General Thomas J. DuBose, USAF "The [Roswell] craft was extraterrestrial, and at one time may have been at Wright-Patterson in an off-limits area." Brigadier General Harry N. Cordes, USAF "I am almost completely convinced that the object that crashed near Roswell was composed of materials not common on earth." Major General Kenner F. Hertford, USA "The stuff I saw, I've never seen anyplace else in my life ... It was the strangest thing I ever saw." General William H. Blanchard, USAF "They [the Air Force] knew that they had something new in their hands ... The metal and material was unknown to anyone I talked to ... A couple of guys thought it might be Rus-sian, but the final consensus was that the pieces were from space." [i.e., extraterrestrial] Brigadier General Arthur E. Exon, USAF

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