Use of Plants to Monitor Heavy Metals in Freshwaters: 1991
The Ecotoxicology of Cadmium in Fresh and Sea Water and Water Pollution with Cadmium in Denmark
Fate of Heavy Metals in the Magela Creek System, Northern Australia. II. Experiments with Plastic Enclosures Placed in Island Billabong...
Frogs of the Magela Creek System
... crangon — — 10000a– 30000 2d — — Portmann 1972 Crassostrea virginica 1000 — — 4d Juvenile 2 Butler 1965 C. virginica — 30000a — 2d Embryo — Ward and Ballantine 1985 C. virginica — >1000a — 4d — — USEPA 2002 4d Juvenile tested — Ward ...
REPRODUCTION I n many species of parrotfish and wrasse , the biggest male guards a harem of females and stops other males from spawning with them . In other species the biggest male guards a part of the reef where females come to spawn ...
This book is designed to fill the need for a single, comprehensive source of information concerning aquatic toxicology.
Fate of Heavy Metals in the Magela Creek System, Northern Australia. I. Experiments with Plastic Enclosures Placed in Island Billabong...
A brief introduction to the world of underwater life.