The Journey: A Christian Perspective on LifeaEUR(tm)s Journey from Earth to Glory

The Journey: A Christian Perspective on LifeaEUR(tm)s Journey from Earth to Glory
The Journey
Covenant Books, Inc.
Rev. Nelson Brenner


PrefaceThe Journey is a Christian perspective on life's journey from earth to glory. In The Journey, Reverend Brenner describes the Christian life in three aspects--past, present, and future or beginning, continuing, and finishing the journey of faith.He shows that the Christian life is analogous to the history of Israel in the Old Testament. Broadly speaking, Israel's history could be summed up in three stages--deliverance from Egypt, the wilderness sojourn, and possessing Canaan, the promised land.The author shows how the Christian's life similarly may be viewed in three stages--redemption from sin's bondage, living for Christ in a sinful world, and reaching our goal, which is heaven, the hope of all believers.His main emphasis is on the second stage, appropriately entitled the pilgrimage, which is obviously the present time of our journey--of living our Christian life now in this present evil world.Reflecting again on Israel's history, he shows how happy they were to escape Egypt but how discouraged and defeated they became during their wilderness journey because of hardships and trials and failed to reach their goal.So the author reminds readers who are on this journey of faith that it's not how you start but how you finish--and finish depending on what you do and how you do after your start and going forward. "So run, that ye may obtain," as 1 Corinthians 9:27 says.So many other words of admonition are given to remind the Christian that he must remain dedicated and determined throughout his journey to reach the goal. Again, listen to the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:12-14: "I follow after; this one thing I do, reaching forth, I press toward the mark for the prize." He is focused.Making the journey is a collaborative effort between the believers and God, our faith and his faithfulness.The author's aim for this book is to encourage you as you continue on in your journey toward heaven.

Other editions

  • The Journey
    • 2021-11-30
    • 132 pages
    • Ebook
    • Covenant Books, Inc.
  • The Journey
    • 2022-08-01
    • 88 pages
    • Paperback
    • Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
  • The Journey
    • 2022-06-28
    • 254 pages
    • Ebook
    • Book Guild Publishing
  • The Journey
    • 2022-06-08
    • 46 pages
    • Ebook
    • Dorrance Publishing

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