- A complete, detailed and uncompromising look at the dangers of global warming/ climate change! - An extremely important book, informative, educative, stunning, and a total eye-opener! - Humanity and earth (the only home we have) are facing a real risk of extinction if we don't act now! - It is not too late, and there are still things that you (and everyone collectively) can do to help! - Read this book to fully understand the nature of the problem and how you can help! THE UNINHABITABLE EARTH, by David Wallace-Wells is a complete, detailed and uncompromising look at the dangers facing humanity as a result of global warming/ climate change. It warns that while we are already beginning to experience some of the dangers of climate change, its real horrors are still to come (within decades and not centuries as you might think). This is an extremely important book. It is incredibly informative, educative, insightful and stunning. It is a total eye-opener! Indeed, this book should be required reading for every citizen of this earth (regardless of whether you deny that there's a climate problem or accept that there is and are concerned). EVERYONE (including you) should read this book, right now! And very importantly, note this: it is not true that it is too late. It is also not true that there is nothing you can do to help. Although humanity has crossed so many red lines, there is still hope yet and there are still things that you (and every one of us collectively) can do to help! This is a very well-written summary and guide to the main book. Indeed, this summary is a must-read for everyone! So, get it now while you can! This is not one for you to hesitate or procrastinate about! The future of humanity, our children, our children's children hangs in the balance! You need to act now! You need to understand the problem and what to do! You need to read this book now! BUY THIS SUMMARY NOW!