BUY THE PAPERBACK VERSION OF THIS BOOK ON AMAZON.COM AND GET THE KINDLE BOOK VERSION FOR FREE Have your children ever completely lost it in the middle of the grocery store? Not just being fussy, but a full-blown tantrum with snot and tears running down their faces as They screech about how awful of a parent you are? Maybe you told them that they could not have a piece of candy or a new toy and they went into complete meltdown mode. Did you struggle to calm your child down during this tantrum? Perhaps everything you said and did only exacerbated the situation, and ultimately led to both of you losing your temper. What if someone told you that there is a five-step process to mitigating your children's tantrums and teaching them to be more able to control their own emotions? Emotion coaching is a type of relationship that endeavors to do just that. An emotion coaching parent guides the child through the throes of emotions, helping the child navigate through all of the overwhelming feelings, and emerging better able to cope with the adversities life throws at him or her in a more mature and resilient manner. Children who have been parented in this manner are typically far more successful than their peers at navigating through tough situations and creating meaningful, healthy relationships and friendships. Through the five steps of emotion coaching, you will be there with your child through the failures and successes, teaching your child to navigate through emotions and develop critical skills that will allow your child to develop a higher EQ (emotional intelligence quotient). Each of these steps builds upon each other to help you solve conflicts and mitigate tantrums or other unacceptable behaviors by teaching your child to be emotionally conscientious. These steps will create an emotionally intelligent young child who is better equipped to tackle the world head-on and deal with anything life throws at him or her. Within the pages of this book, you will be guided on how to parent in an emotion coaching manner with the end goal being to develop overall emotional intelligence. You will learn all the different ways emotional intelligence is relevant to both yourself and your child, especially in stressful situations such as divorce. You will find: Essential facts about emotional intelligence The elements of emotion coaching, as well as commonly made mistakes The five steps to emotion coaching, and several tips for how to raise an emotionally intelligent child A list of recommended books for children of all ages to aid in emotional intelligence development An assessment for how effective you are at emotion coaching How emotional intelligence of the father is important to the emotional intelligence of his children Examples of both children and teens with lower and higher EQs and how emotion coaching can help them And more! Would You Like to Know More? Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy now button