The Intercessors

The Intercessors
Sarah Ashlyn


The twists and turns of life can take us anywhere, whether we wish it or not. It's how we approach theses trials and tribulations that defines us and shapes our lives, especially when we feel alone against a cruel world. Life may seem like a never-ending struggle but by keeping our sights on what's most important, joy and happiness can be found amidst pain and sorrow. Intercessory prayer is a key that can unlock the windows of heaven for all who willingly seek and accept God's love. In this fantastical story you'll witness intercessory prayer bear fruit throughout the many harsh events in the life of Serenity Sharp and her family. When the life of her only daughter is threatened and Serenity is unsure how her family's life will be changed forever, the memories of her difficult childhood come flooding back to remind her what's most important. You will meet her loving mother who endured an abusive marriage to keep her family together and fought cancer in order to stay with her children. You will see her proud father abandon the family during the most inopportune time. You will feel the protective anger of her older brother that always wanted the best for her, no matter what he had to do. Other crucial characters will appear and other events will take place, sending you through a roller coaster of emotions and letting you understand how so many struggles can be faced head on with enough faith to persevere.This book was written as a testament to God's mercy and love, even during life's darkest hours. More times than not, it's during those darkest hours that God wishes to love and carry us in his own way. By holding strong to the faith and pushing ahead in intercessory prayer, we can find ourselves being a part of God's plan, whether we realize it or not, and will find ourselves more apt to receive his care, much like how Serenity felt in this story.There will be many instances recorded on these pages that can touch your heart and open your mind to the harshness of the world. If you keep your hearts and minds open, you'll also begin to realize how influential intercessory prayer can be in your own life. You might even catch a glimpse of God's love after receiving a fresh, new perspective.Many things occur in Serenity's life and many more will influence it, trying to steal her attention and happiness. Read carefully as Serenity and her loved ones face some of the most prevalent challenges that threaten families of this day and age, one prayer at a time.

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