Wicca For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Wiccan Beliefs, Powerful Magic, Witchcraft And Rituals (Starter Guide To Witchcraft and Wiccan...

Wicca For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Wiccan Beliefs, Powerful Magic, Witchcraft And Rituals (Starter Guide To Witchcraft and Wiccan...
Wicca for Beginners
Independently Published
William J Kingstone


WICCA FOR BEGINNERS: A SECRET STARTER GUIDE TO WITCHCRAFT AND WICCAN RELIGION ''Buy the Paperback version of this book and get the Kindle Version for Free.'' Some of us may wonder what existed before now, what is happening now, and what will happen in future. Religion is a serious aspect of human social, political and moral life. It is a delicate, somewhat controversial subject; hence many researchers do avoid specific issues of this great mystery. The ''Wicca for Beginners Book''... exclusively address some issues that happened before Christianity, Islamism and other fairly recent religions. Christians believe that the way to heaven is through one God; this is a popular concept, but have you boarded checking how Christians were able to come to these conclusions. The suppressions that ensured, the executions that eliminated historic religions, the pains and the brainwashings. Do you understand what Christians did to people the called ''Heretics''? Wicca is an ancient pagan religion; it started with the earliest homo sapiens and has quality known and unknown histories which were all addressed in this Book. Witchcraft, Magic, Wicca and the term ''old religion'' is interwoven in certain aspects and that you will understand better by going through the pages of this Wicca Guide (Book). To many, this revelation will sound very awkward. Still, Wicca religion is getting back on its feet after suffering centuries of ''wicked and murderous persecutions when the church attempted to end it''. Many things were lost during these time periods, but yet, it survived. The Wicca or Old Religion connects back to the earliest Homo sapiens. Imagine the age-long history of this religion. In our present world, Paganism is often seen as a harmful, dangerous and devilish activity. Well, it is time we start questioning what we thought we knew. This ebook also outlines specific undeniable facts, names and figures which will help you understand better. Most religion that existed before were based on Nature's love, happiness, and empathy but you know, to achieve specific aims, you have to paint things black so that it will be despised and attacked. In this Book, we solved problems of misconception, revealed some forbidden truths and also educated on what existed before pre-Christianity. It also explains what you need to do if you aspire to be one of the Wiccans. The unique numerology of the Wiccans is also outlined in the Book and going through some of the contents teaches you ways to be one with nature and divine. Wicca is not only a religion; it is also a way of life and not a one-trial-issue. Most people have tried in particular issues of enlightenment, and some keep failing. Failure is painful but trying again is a must because giving up never solves anything. Its high time, we started evaluating what we think we knew, what we swallowed without questions, and what we assumed as evil. Having a different idea doesn't necessarily mean evil hence get this Book if you want to separate the facts from fallacy. Many people are not conversant with some words used in this text, but in the Book, you will get a ground-breaking introduction to all these. It always seems impossible until it's done. A lot of efforts were put into educating, assessing, criticizing and establishing the things in this Book. Now scroll to the top and click buy Now, This secret starter guide is an eye-opener to many who seek the truth.

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