What To Do When I Die: Guided Pre-Death Planner and Organizer to Record All Essential Information for Your Family

What To Do When I Die: Guided Pre-Death Planner and Organizer to Record All Essential Information for Your Family
Om Yasmeen


One day you will die. It's a fact. And you have no real control over when and how that will happen... Death planning is one of those uncomfortable, yet crucial topics it's never too early to start thinking about, especially if you have kids. Getting your affairs in order can be difficult, but it is an important part of preparing for the future - not just in case you pass away but also if you become disabled due to an accident or illness. Of course, no one ever plans to be sick or disabled... however, failing to prepare can make an already hard time even harder for your loved ones. This guided planner covers PERSONAL INFORMATION My Personal Information My Family (Spouse, Children, Grandchildren) My Pets MEDICAL INFORMATION My Medical Information In the event that I become incapacitated My Doctors My Medical History Family Medical History My Children's Medical History FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Planning My Funeral CONTACT INFORMATION Important Contacts Family Members Friends Associates, Colleagues & Acquaintances DOCUMENTS Important Documents and IDs FINANCES My Estate Custodians Bank Accounts Fixed Assets Investments Income Money I am Owed Debt & Liabilities Bills LOOSE ENDS Where to find my... Services to Close and Cancel Special Requests for my belongings MY SWAN SONG A note to the beneficiaries listed in my Will Last Thoughts Buy this What To Do When I Die Planner NOW (before it's too late)