Both Evolutionists and Creationists should find this 10,639 word book, to be an interesting read. There are questions posed from both sides of this ancient debate as to whether God created all that exists (Creationists) or if it all evolved from nothingness in a continually forward progression for many eons (Evolutionary Theories). I will confess that I am creationist, however, I do give my fellow-creationists much to ponder as well. at over 10,400 words in length, there's sure to be some nuggets of information that one might call "food-for-thought" within the words of this book. Following is a CHAPTERS LIST:CHAPTER ONE: Recognizing Old Earth Creationism is Vastly ImportantCHAPTER TWO: Questions Genesis Gap Refuters Don't Answer Specifically CHAPTER THREE: Basic Logical Questions about Life having Meaning and Purpose CHAPTER FOUR: Existing Evil and Mythical Gods Reasons to Doubt the Holy Bible? CHAPTER FIVE: Uninformed Opponents still trying to tear down the Biblical Genesis Gap CHAPTER SIX: Varied Christian Opinions about Dinosaurs CHAPTER SEVEN: Two Different Catastrophic Floods Described clearly within the Holy Bible CHAPTER EIGHT: Facts that Anger Atheists that Science can Never AnswerCHAPTER NINE: Satan Fell Due to Pride and not for Tempting Adam and Eve