The Coast Guard's program of record (POR) calls for procuring 8 National Security Cutters (NSCs), 25 Offshore Patrol Cutters (OPCs), and 58 Fast Response Cutters (FRCs) as replacements for 90 aging Coast Guard high-endurance cutters, medium-endurance cutters, and patrol craft. The Coast Guard's proposed FY2020 budget requests a total of $657 million in procurement funding for the NSC, OPC, and FRC programs. This volume discusses the various classes of cutter to be procured, as well as technical and budget issues.
The author states that despite the vastly changed world order, basic principles of international relations still apply, and the United States would be ill-served by abandoning those principles.
Hoffman concluded with seventeen specific recommendations. The most significant were: at the outset of an operation, the Secretary of Defense should make clear his policy that the media pool must be given every assistance to report on ...
Significant gaps exist in the ability of the United States and its allies to deter or defeat aggression that could threaten national interests.
This report presents the results of a fiscal year 2016 RAND Project AIR FORCE add-on project to generate a range of future projections to assist Air Force strategic planning in developing the Air Force Strategic Environment Assessment.
This report describes the current defense planning process used by the U.S. Department of Defense, with a focus on how scenarios are developed and employed to support defense planning.
Following the background provided in these initial chapters, the remainder of the book provides a comprehensive discussion outlining how the European Campaign was was carried out.
"Prepared for the United States Army."--Title page.
This book examines the key areas of science and technology that the Air Force must focus on over the next two decades to enable technologically achievable capabilities that can provide it with the greatest U.S. Joint force effectiveness by ...
... war, Washington would seek to adjust the record to reflect the result, reworking the disorderly landscape of war until his escape from disaster seemed predestined — which is to say, he revised his diary. But he could not revise his ...
Iraq War veteran and former police officer David G. Bolgiano examines how the fear of using force in combat has put American fighting forces in unnecessary danger.