An orphaned baby. Loving grandparents.A master in the kitchen. A back-slidden disciple.Secrets. Questions. Answers.Twenty-seven year old Jesse thinks he's grown; but the substance he's missing was always there before. Finding out how incomplete he truly is pushes him into unearthing what's important; to love, to give, to receive, and to rediscover the thing he thought he already knew how to do... to listen.Jesse had really missed this house since moving away, and the memories it held kept drawing him back. This was the house he called home; the one he grew up in. Even though his childhood was complicated and hard to explain, the house had been a refuge from the hardships, which made the recent weirdness all that much more weird. Jesse's problem was simple: the telephone on the wall and the untimely ringing of it. The relentless, continuous ringing interrupting his sleep was bad enough once, but it rang every night! Then a Voice spoke so low he couldn't understand the words. He was close to the point of swearing these pre-dawn disturbances were dreams - except for the Voice. The Voice was gentle, soft, soothing, and strangely inviting - but he could barely hear it. Jesse knew how to fix the problem. He had to get rid of this house, but first, he had to get rid of that Voice.