These days, it feels as though everything around us is either crumbling, on fire or blowing up.The rent is too damned high. The paycheck, too damned small. We run on the spot, one payday away from the wolf that always seems to be at the door. It scratches impatiently, waiting for us to fall for the last time, so it can tear off a piece of us.We feel powerless to make changes; to lift ourselves up. The rising tide of insanity is so much bigger than us, though, so we bob on the waters of chaos, like corks. There is no shore in sight. There is just the water.But we're buoyant, persisting in our buoyancy because that's how human beings roll.We float.And all these minor irritants can make us short-tempered, stressed out, angry and even depressed. Only you can liberate your mind. Only you can direct your intellectual and spiritual energies to the project of living free of stress, anger and depression. You are the master of your house and if you want life in that house to be livable, you need to clear out the clutter and dampen the noise.And that's what this book is about. You're reading because you're ready to liberate your mind. You're ready to drop all the baggage you've been accumulating and travel lighter. In that baggage is all kinds of detritus you cannot only live without but which you must live without, if you're to live well. Replacing the negative with the positive is at the heart of it but so are you - the original wound you carry within you, your triggers and your emotions.You can't change how the sources of your internal turmoil behave, but you most certainly can choose to master your responses to them.In that truth is power and change. In that truth is liberation. Mastering your responses and owning your emotions is freedom.Thank you for downloading and reading this book. I hope you'll find the liberation you're seeking in these pages and the tranquility that comes with deciding to take charge of your internal life.There is a reward for doing the work and that reward is enormous. Read now how to make it happen in your life, without looking back.