The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, But It's Synthetic!

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, But It's Synthetic!
Jeremy Allen Sr


When is the last time you planted a seed in someone else's life? The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, but it's Synthetic weaves life's lessons and inspirational guidance with Jeremy Michael Allen's personal accounts and tips for success and self evaluation. Urging readers to analyze the metaphorical seeds planted in life and the resulting roots and fruits, all will reap and benefit from this work. Why do we crave what others have? Why do we believe others have it so much better than we do? Could it be that we think the grass is truly greener on the other side? Well maybe it is, maybe its greener because it's fake. This book will reveal and guide you through leadership, marriage, business, and ministry, all while tying back to a basic principle of sowing seeds. It's important to understand your seed and the environment that you sow in. Are you thinking of starting a company, a marriage, or even a new career? Have you ever asked yourself what is my niche and how do I maximize my gifts and talents? Well this book will help you find and identify your seed, and give you real-life examples of how to use it. The Author goes from childhood to adulthood and explains the transitions and roots that were in his life. Never does the reader feel lost or guessing where to go. It's a fun, but impactful read and stretches across all social and demographic regions. Once you start reading, you can't put it down.You won't look at life or grass the same after reading this powerful book.