Dream Journal: Dream Diary - Lucid Dreaming Notebook For Your Dreams Symbols Signs and Interpretations - Record Book Tracker - Fantasy Hot Air Balloon Moon Clouds Cover Keep a dream diary to record your nightly dreams, personal reflections and waking experiences. By recording your dreams on a regular basis you will discover themes and patterns over time, improve your overall memory, increase awareness of your deeper self, explore your subconscious and improve your creativity. This log book will become a unique personal treasure giving you insight to your most important concerns, activities and relationships in the waking world. Be sure to include thoughts, memories, symbols and associations that come to mind in relation to the dream. Techniques for Dream Journaling Keep your journal and your dedicated pen by your bed. Record your dreams in the morning. Pay attention to what happens, as well as any remembered emotions and thoughts you had in the dream. Give the dream a title. Gift suitable for men, women, boys and girls. Features: 6 x 9 110 pages Product Description: Uniquely designed softcover paperback book. Glossy cover with dreamy hot air balloon. White paper. We have lots of great trackers and journals, so be sure to check out our other listings but clicking on the "Author Name" link just below the title of this journal. Great gift under $10 For: Birthday Gift Christmas Secret Santa Stocking Stuffer PinkInkArt(R) Books (c)2019